Appetite for Balance

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5 Ways to Improve Your Body Image

Many people struggle with their body image. How can you not in this high, diet culture climate? Everywhere you look you see “thinspiration.” Social media glorifies altering your body with apps that make you look small and filters to “fix” your face. These unrealistic expectations are harmful and damaging. 

Personally, I struggled with body image for a long time. I would check myself out anytime I saw a mirror to make sure I still looked “skinny.” I would play the body check game. This is when you check out everyone in the room to make sure you weren’t the largest body. I look at pictures of myself from years ago, thinking “Wow, I was in such a small body.” During that time I thought I was bigger. This is how diet culture and unrealistic body goals mess with you. Because of my insecurities, I missed a lot of enjoyment in life because I was so focused on my looks and meeting societal standards and acceptance. 

Body image affects more than just our bodies, it can take a toll on our mental status as well. Constant stress and anxiety about body image is not healthy and can affect our health more than we know. Rejecting diet cultures norm for thinner bodies and learning to respect your here and now body takes time. Be patient with yourself! It’s a journey with highs and lows. To help you in this journey, here are 5 ways to improve your body image and decrease the mental toll it can take:

  1. Clear out your social media.

    Social media can be a place of constant critique and comparison. Unfollow influencers that promote weight loss in unrealistic ways. Unfollow anyone posting before and after weight loss pictures. Unfollow anyone promoting diets. Instead follow people or accounts that are like minded in your health goals. Follow influencers that build others up and are weight inclusive, body neutral. Follow accounts that make you feel food. Get rid of the toxicity!

  2. Wear clothes that fit you.

    I know that sounds simple, but it’s true! I know I have struggled with keeping clothes that use to fit me and are smaller with hopes that “One day I would fit into them again,” and maybe you will but having that as your main goal for weight loss sets you up for failure. Focus on your here and now body- not the past or future body. Buy clothes that fit you now. Buy and wear clothes that are comfortable. Buy clothes that make you feel good. Like I said it sounds simple, but with diet culture blurring our views and minds, it may take some practice. 

  3. Give your body thanks.

    What has your body done for you today? Seriously, think about it. Our bodies are amazing! They move us from place to place. They let us play tennis or volleyball with friends. They let us walk our dog and play with our children. They keep us alive without us focusing on that 24/7!! I have set an intention of every morning to list 5 things I am thankful for as a way to set the tone of the day and as a way to show my body respect. Focusing on the wonderful things the body does for us can help quiet the diet culture voice that keeps telling us we must lose weight to be worthy.

  4. Appreciate your human qualities.

    Oftentimes when someone asks you to describe yourself or another person you don’t start with physical qualities. You list off their personality characteristics, because naturally that is more interesting. Focusing on your qualities and traits that have nothing to do with appearance brings out your uniqueness. We gravitate towards kind-hearted people. We love being around bubbly personalities. We appreciate our friends who are quieter but are amazing listeners. These are your personal gifts and your friends and family would never want you to trade them. 

  5. Permit yourself to self-care.

    Self-care allows us to take a step back and listen to what our bodies are telling us, which fits hand in hand with intuitive eating. Allowing yourself to “treat yo self” brings love and joy to our bodies. I’m not saying go out and blow a ton of money on high-end spas and a new wardrobe, but hey, if you have the money and that is not a barrier, why not?! What I am saying is starting with basic elements of self care can go a long way, in addition to having a massage, mani/pedi, facial, etc. Here are a few basics that help us take care of our amazing bodies:

  • Showering or a bath if that provides relaxation

  • Getting adequate sleep

  • Meeting your needs through food and nutrition

  • Putting on a nice lotion before bed

  • Wearing a face mask

  • Taking supplements or vitamins if not met through your diet

Besides your hairdresser (anyone else heard that?), the relationship you have with your body will be the most important and longest you have. Leaning into self compassion and body respect is a great way to learn and journey down the road of loving your body. There may be days you have a bad body image day and that is okay! As I have said before, intuitive eating and this path isn’t rigid. It allows for ups and downs because that is all part of the ride. Taking these tips and putting them into practice on those days when you aren’t feeling your best can help provide that shift change. You are so much more than what society and diet culture values in bodies. Speaking to yourself the way you would to others is how we build a better body image, and I’m here to hold your hand and cheer you along the way!