What Type of Eater Are You?

There are multiple eating styles. Are you surprised?! I know when I first heard this I was. As you might guess, Intuitive Eating is one of them and ultimately our end goal, however many of us may be stuck in a different eating style and unsure of how to get out of it. 

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Here we will review the different types of eating styles. Hopefully, this will shed light on which category you fall into and can provide some knowledge to walk towards being an intuitive eater and ultimately finding food freedom.

Each of the different types of eater is characterized by two things: the reason that they make food choices, which we can call their “trigger”, and the corresponding way that they think about their relationship with food.

  1. The Professional Dieter.

This person is a yo-yo dieting machine. They are constantly starting or stopping a diet. They are always looking for the next best diet to achieve that “ideal body.” They know how much they weigh and how much they need to lose. They know how to track and count every calorie. They are triggered by feeling fat. 

2. The Careful Eater.

This person appears to be the model or perfect eater. They present themselves to be very health conscious. They read nutrition labels and ingredients and pay close attention to what they put in their bodies. If they eat something deemed “unhealthy” they stress out and feel guilty. Surface level, they seem very health-and-fitness-oriented. This eating style is very similar to an eating disorder called orthorexia. They are triggered by health and wellness.

3. The Unconscious Eater.

This person is often distracted while eating and unaware of what or how much he/she has eaten. They are often “too busy” to sit down and have a meal. Eating goes hand in hand with another activity, such as working through lunch or eating while driving. They are triggered by eating while completing another task or activity.

There are multiple subcategories to this eating style:

  • Chaotic Unconscious Eater

This person is eating when food is available. No time to eat due to the constant rush. They  only stop for a meal if convenient or if time allows. You may go long stretches without eating because you are overbooked. They are triggered by an over-scheduled life.

  • Emotional Unconscious Eater

This person eats when certain feelings are evoked, specifically stress or anxiety, any uncomfortable feeling really. They use food as a coping mechanism to numb their emotions. They are triggered by uncomfortable feelings while being alone. 

  • The Refuse-Not Unconscious Eater

This person is vulnerable to food left out in candy jars or potlucks. This person has trouble saying no to food, even if they are not hungry. They eat because the food is in front of them. They are triggered by the presence of food.

  • Waste-Not Unconscious Eater

This person’s eating is influenced by the food dollar. They are part of the “clean plate” club. They worry about being wasteful and feel as though they should finish their meal even if they are not hungry. This person is susceptible to all-you-can eat buffets. They are triggered by free food. 

4. The Intuitive Eater

This person makes food choices based on their biological hunger without experiencing guilt or regret. This person does not restrict. They trust their bodies to send cues on what and when to eat. They honor hunger, respect fullness and enjoy eating. They are triggered by biological hunger. 

Being aware of the different eating styles and determining which fits best with you is one step toward becoming an intuitive eater. It allows you to take action and make changes to your eating behaviors. Getting back in touch with your body and intuition allows you to break free from the diet cycle and enjoy food. The way it is supposed to be! 

Tribole, E., Resch, E. 2012. Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works. 1st Edition. St. Martins Press.


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