Appetite for Balance

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Why Do We Feel So Sleepy After Our Thanksgiving Meal?

When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of time with family, lots of food, football, and naps. I’m sure we all have heard that there is tryptophan in turkey, which ultimately leads us to that mid-afternoon nap. But what if I said tryptophan may not actually be the culprit?!

So, what is tryptophan anyway? Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, which means we do not produce this in our body so we have to consume it. Tryptophan aids in nitrogen balance in the body, in addition to producing niacin which is essential in creating the neurotransmitter, serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that acts as a mood stabilizer as well as aiding in the making of melatonin, which is involved in the sleep/wake cycle. This may be the connection people think of when they think of turkey leading to after-meal naps! All together there are 20 amino acids, 11 being non-essential (the body naturally produces) and 9 being essential (must consume in our diets).

The truth is, the tryptophan in turkey just does not have that big of an effect on us. Random fact- if you participate in trivia night at participating restaurants/bars this is often a trivia question that people mistake. The answer? The larger than “normal” portion sizes and meal compared to a “normal” day. Consuming alcohol throughout the day or meal. The preparation for the meal, including traveling, shopping, cooking, cleaning, leading to pure exhaustion. 

By all means, I’m not saying these things are wrong! This is a once-a-year celebration, so enjoy every aspect of it! Indulge in all of the foods that make you happy, (safely) consume alcohol that has a great taste, and take time for yourself during the hustle and bustle if possible. 

Remember what Thanksgiving is all about! Focus on being present, and giving thanks.